Thursday, April 3, 2008

Amazing Facts

Some Intresting and Amazing facts


1)February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

2)Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system.

3) It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.

4) Tomato Ketchup was once used as medicine in the United States. Was sold as "Dr.Miles Compound Extract of Tomato".

5) The quartz crystal in your wristwatch vibrates 32,768 times a second.

6) Every day 200 million couples make love, 400,000 babies are born, and 140,000 people die.

7) During World War II, twice as many fighter pilots were killed during training than combat.

8) A nautical mile measures 6,080 feet while a land or statute mile is 5,280 feet.

9) No one can drown in the Dead Sea. It is 25 percent salt, which makes the water very heavy.

10) Earth's oceans contain 7 1/2 million tons of gold, dissolved in the water.

11) If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of your mouth.

12) Communications giant Nokia was founded in 1865 as a wood-pulp mill by Fredrik Idestam.

13)Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!

14)People in nudist colonies play volleyball more than any other sport.

15)Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined.

16)Astronauts can't belch- there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs.

17)Ancient Roman, Chinese and German societies often used urine as mouthwash.

18)The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.

19) Because of the speed at which Earth moves around the Sun, it is impossible for a solar eclipse to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds.

20)The night of January 20 is "Saint Agnes's Eve," which is regarded as a time when a young woman dreams of her future husband.

21)There are over 25 million bubbles waiting to burst out of each bottle of Champagne.

22)Google is actually the common name for a number with a million zeros.

23)It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!

24) Gold is the only metal that doesn't rust, even if it's buried in the ground for thousands of years.

25)Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end.

more to come....

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